Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Surprising statement

Driving from the airport Danjuma and I chatted along the ride home catching up on our families. His niece, the sister of his nephew who came to live with him last year, is now living with him too. Something about the child's grandmother being sick and so the niece needed someone to care for her. I don't know what is up with his brother who is the dad?

Then Danjuma made a surprising statement. He said, "the crisis is good in one way." My puzzled look must have told him to continue because he quickly added, "many people have come to Christ." (A little history, the crisis was a series of 3 sectarian riots in early 2010 tht left hundreds dead, mostly Christians died. The last of the 3 incidents witnessed the violent slaughter of Christian women and children by rogue Muslims.)

I have been chewing on Danjuma's statment. Interestingly my devotions Wednesday 23 June was from Phil 1. In verse 12 Paul writes, "Now I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me [Paul being imprisoned] has really served to advance the gospel." When I read that I thought wow, Danjuma has a similar view. Things that advance the gospel, even if they are hard things or 'bad' things are good if they advance the gospel. That thought stuck me when Danjuma shared it on the drive to Jos and it hit me again when I read it in Phil 1:12.

How soft I am. I judge most things by how they effect me. Danjuma and Paul look at things through the lens of advancing the gospel.

This requires more thought on my part…

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