Friday, July 4, 2008

Thank God…

I was retrieving one of Mike’s errant baseball throws which landed near a woman pulling some produce from her garden. “Hello,” I said, smiling at her.

She replied, “How are you, sir.” For a moment we chatted. Then her bag was full, so she stood up and headed home. I asked, “Are those greens for dinner?”

“Yes,” she answered politely.

“What a nice garden you have,” I commented encouragingly.

“Thank God,” replied.

It stuck me… I probably would have replied “Thank you.” But not this lady, she said, “Thank God.”

You know it is only one word different in reply, but quite significant in meaning. My response would have accepted credit for my hard work and my labor in the garden and my food. Hers recognized that all things are a gift from God. And my sense is that is exactly how she meant it! She wanted God is to be praised for the food she was carrying to her family.

Lord, knead my heart until it beats with thanks to You…

1 comment:

Joann said...

Dear Pastor Bill, What a wonderful story both for my heart and for sharing with a friend whose vegetable garden is such a source of pleasure and pride to him. Thank God, indeed! Love and humidity, Joann