Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dark and cold…

Today Wednesday, June 17th, is the second dark and cold morning this week. I was not expecting this weather. When I wake in the morning it is dreary and dark, so much so that I need either a candle or a flashlight to read. And as the workers show up they are bundled up with hats and fleeces and jackets.

Now when I say cold, everything is relative, temperature wise maybe it is 60’s. I don’t have a thermometer so that is a guess. Now 60’s isn’t cold for me, but I can tell even after only 3 weeks that it is cool. And Monday, the rains brought a cold front, so much so that I woke in the middle of the night and found a blanket for the bed because it was cold to sleep.

Please don’t hear this as a complaint… these cool mornings are a lovely break from the high sun and temperatures. And the rain that comes with them is a welcome sight for the locals because they still need the rain. And there is something nostalgic reading by candle light… Life is good!

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