Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Simple things…

I remember growing up a Disney animated movie called the Jungle Book. Baloo, a big friendly bear, sings a song, “O the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities…”

I am constantly amazed at the “simple bare necessities” that are hard to come by here. When I arrived I checked out my room… it has a big whiteboard (which is ripped lengthwise down the middle but it works). I bring whiteboard markers because I have learned if I don’t bring them I won’t have them. Checking out my room I was one of the fortunate ones, I had a whiteboard eraser. Unfortunately day two when I came in to clean off the board to put up my information for the day, my eraser was gone! What was I gong to do?

I asked students and they had no idea where one would be. I went to the Administrative Block and asked the secretary in the Provosts and the Academic deans offices where I might find one… no idea? I was at a loss and I needed to clean the board. As I wandered the Administrative Block, I spied a trash can; forgive me but I gently rummaged at the top and there were two napkins. Glancing quickly down the hall I grabbed the napkins and marched triumphantly back to my room.

This small gift is not quite on par with God providing Abraham a ram instead of having him sacrifice Isaac, but to me it was still a gift of God. Thank you, Lord for providing.

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