Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Revenge Hits…

One of the factors that you get used to as we have traveling to Nigeria yearly is the eventually coming of the REVENGE… Right now three of the four of us on this trip have unsettled stomachs (a polite way of expressing our problems) and frequent trips to the bathroom. Actually I was surprised that we have been here two full weeks before it hit. On previous trips it came at the latter end of week one.

One member of our group had it for a few days so she reached for the Cipro. I anticipate her feeling better later today. The other two of us are attempting to determine if it will go away on its own or if we too need Cipro. The next day or two will determine that.

I have learned that on trips like this, bringing a prescription of Cipro for each person is very wise. This is my third year coming to Nigerian and I have yet to bring any Cipro home, at some point during the trip, no matter how careful we are we seem to get some ‘bug,’ and a good antibiotic is needed to combat the problem (not merely control the symptoms).

I am so thankful for the medications we have available to us… may the REVENGE pass quickly…

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