Thursday, June 18, 2009


Yesterday I was reviewing with one of my students and he mentioned that some people are at a disadvantage.

I asked, “What do you mean?”

“Some of us,” he continued, “have trouble reading because we weren’t schooled.”

I didn’t understand so I asked him to explain and he shared his story…

“I didn’t even finish primary 4 (basically 4th grade in the US). There was a war at the time so I entered the army.” After serving 7 or 8 years he came home to his village. Not long after that a female missionary came to town and under her witness he converted to Christianity. And soon thereafter God called him to pastoral ministry.

“How, Lord, I am not an educated man?” A determination arose from deep within to gain the education that he lacked. Nigeria has the equivalent of what we call in the US the GRE; it is a test when passed gives a person a certificate of passing secondary school (high school in the US). One difference is that he did not have access to any kind of preparation classes. So my student began talking with people asking them for help…

“How do you pronounce this? What does that mean? and so on.” Basically he educated himself through the content of secondary school.

“Seven years I took the test, seven times I failed. But each time I discovered something else I needed to learn. I still have the seven failure slips in my home. I knew God called me. I was determined, by God’s grace to learn. The eighth time I passed!”

And this summer I am teaching him in his final M.Div. class… an incredible story of determination and dedication.

I don’t know how long the Lord will allow him to labor on this side of eternity… I pray it is long and fruitful.

I also hope there are video recordings in heaven because I would love to watch the broad smile on our Lord’s face grow as Jesus welcomes my friend into heaven with the words, “Well done, WELL DONE, good and faithful servant. Enter into My happiness!”

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